If you are a business or homeowner in Taringa, St Lucia, Kenmore or Chapel Hill, when is the last time you had your residence’s plumbing inspected?
Having plumbing and gas fitting systems checked once a year is the easiest way to avoid emergency calls to your plumber in the middle of the night. It also may save you the needless expense of damage to your property because of leaks or flooding.
We are a family owned and operated company that has been serving the Northside residents of Brisbane since 1972. We offer a full range of plumbing, drain, hot water heater and sewer inspection services including annual inspections and preventative maintenance services.
By having annual an annual inspection done, we can, for instance, tell you when you need to have a main drain cleared to prevent flooding during the rainy season. We will nip other problems in the bud before they become a danger to your home and property.
While plumbing problems are rarely life-threatening, gas leaks are another thing. Faulty, and ageing gas fittings present a real danger to you and your family. We can perform an inspection that will allow you to breather a bit easier knowing your family is safe from the dangers of gas leaks. Call us today to set up an inspection appointment.